
I am not a child anymore. But what I
can do is to journey you through my childhood experiences and how I thought about it then. So, while I open my diaries and start writing and reminiscing about all my entries, you just sit back, read, learn, and enjoy. :)

"Define children, and you are defining innocence." ---Me

Friday, November 5, 2010

One Lovely Blog Award

 Another Award?! Thanks a bunch Sarah, I loff you for this. :)

I am now passing this award to other deserving bloggers who has gifts of writing lovely blog posts. So please take note of the following guidelines when you get this award:

  • Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
  • Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
  • Contact those blog owners and let them know they’ve been chosen.
     So here are my 15 lovely bloggers : 

 Yes, well, er...I can't really name some of my followers because I lost track on who is who. :P Nah, just kidding. Drop a comment and I'll add you to the list. If you already have this, well, I'm still giving it to you! :P

To all my followers and droppers, don't hesitate to grab this award. The first ten to do so, I'd add you to the list. And the rest will have to wait for someone else to give you this so that other people will have someone to give to too. Remember, if you're following me and/or dropping a lot, I have already given you permission to grab. Think of it as a free gift, already given, but has to be claimed. So don't hesitate! Drop a comment and I'll add you to the list. :)

Okay, now, on to the explanations.

As you may have noticed, I seem to not be here so often anymore. My drops have lessened because I don't drop as much anymore. But no, I haven't abandoned you! Reason is, have you ever had any of those months when everything seems to be so hectic? Yeah, that's what's going on with me now. I have to sleep like, only five hours a day due to my busy work schedule. Plus, I joined NaNoWriMo. 

Does anybody know what NaNoWriMo is? Well, for those who don't, it means National Novel Writing Month. Every year, at the month of November, writers and non-writers from all over the world get together and aim to write a Novel of 50,000+ words in one month, which is November. So many are in this and many will attempt, but only a few will win. If you reach 50,000+ words by the end of November and submit it in to their website: nanowrimo.org, you will be labeled a winner.

Now, there isn't any guarantee of a prize except the satisfaction of being a winner and the feeling of accomplishment, but many join. You can write about anything actually: ranging from Sci-fi to Drama Nonsense. I'm actually writing some sort of teenage romance/sci-fi sort of thing and it's my first year. I didn't expect it to be this hard. I'm behind like, three days. I still have to try and write 6,000 words to catch up after this. So there, you now know what's keeping me.

But carry on dropping, although I can not say I could drop back until December. Just know that I know you're there. I'll try to squeeze in time to blog here and there but we can never be sure.

Meanwhile, Happy Blogging and God Bless!

Over and Out,

~ KlayeBlayk

P.S. Hey you, yes you, do you mind Chipping In at that Chip-in widget in the sidebar? Please? I don't mind if it's even just a cent. :) *hinthint*


  1. Good luck for your NaNoWriMo, :)

  2. Congrats on the award and best of luck with the NaNoWriMo stuff.

  3. Thanks Klaye for the award! Be patient we are almost there for you to earn. Just keep on posting and once in a while you visit my blog or follow the rule, I drop you follow. See you around!
